Order of Omega is a honor society for students who are members of Greek-lettered organizations. Its purpose is to recognize the top 3% of the Greek community for their scholarship, leadership, and service.
Members attend monthly meetings where they plan community service, philanthropic, and social events for their members and the entire community. Order of Omega members benefit from a sense of community, personal and social development, and opportunities for leadership. To learn more about the organization, you can visit the national website.
To join the Rho Epsilon chapter of Order of Omega at UNL, you must be of at least sophomore standing, have a cumulative grade point average above your respective council's GPA average of the previous semester, and complete the application by the designated date.
Membership selection occurs annually in the fall. Before a member can be initiated, they must pay the one-time initiation fee of $88.00.
If you have questions about Order of Omega, please contact orderofomega.unl@gmail.com.