FSL Leadership Retreat

This event takes place in January and serves as a launching point for chapter presidents and new council officers. 


Homecoming is another time for students in the fraternity and sorority community to come together and foster relationships. This week of events is sponsored by ASUN. More information about homecoming can be found on their website.

If you have you questions about homecoming, please contact ASUN.

Greek Gala Awards

The Greek Gala Awards take place in February. The event is an opportunity to celebrate chapters and individuals on their accomplishements from the year before. 



Each spring MGC and NPHC chapters compete in the FSL Stroll-Off. This signature event brings together students and community members to celebrate our Culturally Based Fraternal Organization on campus. 

PHA Women's Summit

In celebration of Women's History Month, PHA hosts a women's summit each March to provide leadership training and discussion for women in the sorority community.


MGC & NPHC Picnic

In May, MGC and NPHC co-host an event to celebrate the end of another academic year. 

IFC New Member Summit

At the beginning of the fall semester, IFC hosts programming for their newest members. 

Council & President Transition Night

In December, Fraternity and Sorority Life celebrates the transition of council officers and recognizes chapter presidents for their work over the past year. 

Huskers Against Hazing

The Huskers Against Hazing anti-hazing workshops are not just for students interested in joining Fraternity and Sorority Life at UNL, all students are welcome. These workshops contain a media-based presentation with videos and personal testimonies. The intent of the workshop is to give students an awareness of hazing and how it negatively affects people.


Greek Street Trick or Treat

Each October, the fraternity and sorority community hosts Greek Street Trick or Treat for the community. Chapters are encouraged to dress up and pass out candy from chapter facilities or tabling at the Union.