Fraternity & Sorority Life Scholarships

Self-Nominated (Scholarships)

Frank Hallgren Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to a  junior or non-graduating senior fraternity member, who is in good standing with his fraternity. This award is selected by application. Recipients will be chosen by the Awards Selection Committee. Multiple awards are available. The amount of the award varies from year to year.

The Interfraternity Council established the Frank M. Hallgren Scholarship in recognition of Mr. Hallgren’s many years of service to UNL. He served as the Advisor to Interfraternity Council, Dean of Men and Director of Career Services. Mr. Hallgren was initiated into Alpha Tau Omega.

Panhellenic Spirit Scholarships

This is presented to current freshmen, sophomore or junior sorority member who display outstanding spirit and involvement in the Greek, campus and greater community. This award is selected by application. The recipients will be chosen by the Awards Selection Committee. 

The Panhellenic Association established the Panhellenic Spirit Scholarship in 1999 as a way to recognize Greek women.

Madeline Girard Scholarships

This is awarded to a junior sorority  member who has made contributions to the Greek community through chapter and sorority-wide programs and/or other out-of-class responsibilities. Award candidates must be in good standing with their respective chapter, have completed at least 53 credit hours and have a cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or better. Financial need is not considered. This award is selected by application. The recipient will be chosen by the Awards Selection Committee. The amount of the award varies from year to year.

Girard was Executive Director of the University Panhellenic Organization (now the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life) until her retirement in 1969.

Marion Othmer Shultz Scholarship

This is awarded to a sophomore sorority member who has made contributions to the Greek community through chapter and sorority-wide programs and/or other out-of-class responsibilities. Award candidates must have sophomore standing, be in good standing with their respective chapter, and have a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or better. This award is selected by application. Recipients will be chosen based on contribution and potential by the Awards Selection Committee. Multiple awards are available. The amount of the award varies from year to year.

This award was established in 1986 in honor of Mrs. Schultz, a dedicated Alpha Delta Pi and University of Nebraska alumnae, by her husband Dr. C. B. Schultz. 



Sigma Kappa Endowed Scholarship

This is awarded to a sorority member with sophomore standing or above. Award candidates must be in good standing with their respective chapter, and have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or above. Financial need is not considered. This award is selected by application. The recipient will be chosen by the Awards Selection Committee. 


Delta Tau Delta Scholarship and Achievement Award

This is awarded to full-time undergraduate students who are members in good standing of a recognized fraternity with a chapter at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Applicants must maintain a satisfactory cumulative grade point average and be prominent in one or more campus activities. This award is selected by application. The recipients will be chosen by the Awards Selection Committee.

This award was established in 1945 by Delta Tau Delta alumni C. S. Guenzel (initiated into Delta Tau Delta 1911) and H. H. Wheeler to recognize the outstanding achievements of fraternity members.

Selected by Nomination (Scholarship)

C. B. Schultz Scholarship

Presented to a  junior or non-graduating senior fraternity member who has shown contributions to the University community through a variety of campus activities/organizations; positive contribution to the Greek community; and active participation in his individual chapter. GPA is only considered in the event of two equal candidates. The award is selected by nominations submitted by each chapter. No more than three nominees per chapter will be accepted. The recipient will be chosen by the Awards Selection Committee. The amount of this award varies from year to year.

This award was established by the Interfraternity Council in 1976 to honor Dr. Schultz for more than 30 years of service as a faculty Advisor to the Interfraternity Council.